Saturday, November 27, 2010

Chinois Fondue or Steamboat

I am blessed by god to have the best flatmates in the world where we help each other and always manage to have a good time, no matter what time of day.

Having the opportunity to live with my flatmates provides each person with an opportunity to share culinary delights that either person would likely never normally experience.

This week we had the opportunity to try a Chinese Hot Pot...and it is what it says on the label!

The ingredients are as follows :

- Special hot pot sauces, herbs and spices
- Cabbage
- White carrot
- Chinese dried mushrooms
- Chinese noodle
- Lamb
- Tofu
- Pig skin
- Fried Round Gluten
- Coriander
- Sesame oil
- Lots of water
- Stove

The dish that is believed to orginate from Mongolia, is a great tradition in China to remedy those cold winter days and nights.

What's more, it is eaten whilst continuously cooking and you do not stop eating until everything is consumed.

As you can see from the picture, this was just the beginning and I can assure you that my flamtes and I consumed everything.

In the insightful words of my flatmate you have to 'Attack' the dish by helping yourself, so it is not for the faint-hearted.

This is such a great dish and a special moment to spend together that we try to consume a Chinois Fondue often.

If you have an opportunity try it because I guarantee that you will not be disappointed.

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