Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ou'est mon logement?

One of the most important factors when moving to Paris is accommodation. Therefore, prior to moving in the forefront of you mind you need to find solutions to the question, 'Where will I be living?'.

To help you get started here is a short list of some useful websites that helped me in my quest. These are in no particular order:

1- (comprehensive website in both French and English; provides essential and comprehensive information for all international students coming to live and work in Paris)

2- (information on accommodation that is similar to halls of residence)

3- (information on accommodation that is similar to halls of residence)

4- L'Eglise Americaine (American Church) -
Church opening hours: Mon-Sat 9am-midday - 1pm-10:30pm and Sun 3pm-7:30pm
Accommodation listed on information baord. You need to visit the church to obain information

5- Svenska Kyrkan (Swedish Church) -
Not sure of the opening hours
Information listed on notice board. You need to visit to obtain information

6- - One of the best sites to find accommodation in Paris
Please note: There are some users that will try to waste your time. However, my suggestion to you is message everyone and do this as early as possible; get on it like a rash! In addition, keep your eyes open for replies. You have to be quick to find accommodation.

7- - (information on accommodation that is similar to halls of residence) - Good prices

8- Host families are an effective form of accommodation in Paris. This weblink will provide you with useful information and some ideas into how much it could cost:

9- Paris Attitude - - Letting Agency
Most agencies in Paris charge extortionate prices. However, you get what you pay for. Plus doing business with people in the know could be more secure.

10- My final solution is, network with the company that is taking you on as a student intern. Enquire about spekaing with other student interns and establish how they found accommodation. In addition, establish if they are looking for a room-mate.
I was lucky enough to do just this and I currently live in the heart of Bastille. Sometimes the most effective solutions are the most simple.

Try to do as much research on accommodation prior to moving to Paris. However, in worst case scenarios Paris offers many foyers (hostels). Here are two useful websites that list details of Parisenne foyers:



Please note: Never pay anything up front/prior to moving to Paris, never accept the first solution that is offered to you (unless it is in a life or death situation) and always follow your gut instinct because this is usually the best solution.

Most landlords require a month rent in advance and a safety deposit (depot de garantie). This varies between each landlord and arrondissement.

Once your accommodation is sorted you can look into applying for a housing subsidy to contribute towards the cost of living (rent). More nformation can be found at: I will post a blog on this topic once I have completed my CAF. To be continued...

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