Sunday, July 25, 2010

á la decourverte de Navigo Passe

I know, I know, it has been a little while since I posted on this blog. However, I have been collecting some important information to create blogs. What's more, the week commencing 21st July 2010 was the toughest week I have experienced in my lifetime; I very nearly had to leave Paris. Therefore, I would like to give a special thankyou to the following people: Fanny De La Prada, Alcatel-Lucent peers, Karen Ephram, AimHigher peers, my parents, LCL bank, my flatmates and last by no means least my landlord. I can now say that my feet are firmly secure on the ground in Paris.

Sorry for the tangent but I felt it was feasible and valid to mention. OK so back to writing the blog...

At the beginning of my blog I informed you that you could buy 10 billets to get you safely into Paris. The next step is then to find a ticket that will get you to and from work and around Paris cost effectively in the long term. I have the answer.....The Navigo Passe.

This is the French version of the Oyster Card. You can use it on Metro, Suburban, RER and all bus routes. I believe you can use it on the tramlines too. There are a variety of cards that you can purchase

in Euros
Zones Week Month
1 - 2 € 17.20 € 56.60
1 - 3 € 22.70 € 74.40
1 - 4 € 27.90 € 91.70
1 - 5 € 33.40 € 109.90
1 - 6 € 37.60 € 123.60

***There is a EUR5.00 to all first-time buyers for the card and card holder that is non-refundable***

Please note: You will need to take a passport photo, pen and payment (Euros or Card). I was not asked for any other documents. However, I have heard rumours that some train staff ask for proof of ID and a valid 'Convention de Stage' or alternative proof for your time in Paris.

The following website has lots of important information that you can download such as price lists including a Zone Map:

I purchased the card for zones 1-3 for EUR74.40 well EUR79.40 to be precise. My next month will decrease to EUR74.40. I find these zones cover all of my travelling in Paris to get to and from work and sightseeing on the weekends. My advice is to get a metro map and always plan your journey. This way you will always know whether you need to purchase extra tickets or not. If you do need to buy more tickets bear in mind to just buy tickets to permit you entry into the zones that your NaviGo Passe will not; keeping your expenses down is a priority!!

Remember to keep your receipt of purchase to give to your employer for reimbursement. It is usually standard practice for French employers to reimburse the cost of employee travel expenses. However, this is not the rule of thumb so you will need to check with your employer first. Finally, and probably one of the most important points, REMEMBER THE DATE TO RECHARGE YOUR NAVIGO PASSE!! Diary the date, set reminders on email calendars and your mobile phone.

Bonne navettage (Happy Commuting)!!

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