Friday, December 10, 2010

Tiramisu, c'est pour vous!

First of all I would like to apologise for the quality of image, I was too excited in creating what I classify as one the most delicious Italian desserts.

Ok so now it's about time that I let you into the secret of how to prepare the tiramisu. You'll need the following utensils:

Whisk (fork), teaspoon, table spoon, one dish (egg yolks) and two big bowls (one for egg whites and one for coffee), ladle and a pyrex dish measuring 28cm x 18cm and aaprox. 6cm deep.

Next are the ingredients and you'll need :

2 eggs, 6 teaspoons of sugar, 250gms Mascarpone cheese, 4 or 5 cups of Lavazza coffee (percolated is preferred but filtered will do), sponge fingers, 3 or 4 tablespoons of Amaretti di Saronno, Chocolate (good quality or sweet cocoa).

Now that you have all of the utensils and ingredients, let's get started!

1- Seperate the 2 x egg whites and 2 x yolks and mix in seperate bowls.Yolks in the dish and the whites in the big bowl.
2- Add 6 teaspoons of sugar to the yolks and whisk until creamy and a biege colour (not yellow). Mix and leave.
3- In the big bowl, whisk the whites. This is time consuming and can be painful if you whisk by hand. The texture you are looking for is fluffy and white; like snow!
4- When both are ready, add the yolks slowly to the whites and roll (not whisk). Keep rolling until mixture becomes a biege/yellow colour.
5- Add the mascarpone spoon by spoon and mix in slowly to the mixture. Try to ensure it is smooth, creamy and lump-free.
6- Prepare the coffee and when ready , pour in to the second big bowl. Take 3 or 4 tablespoons of coffee and pour into the tiramisu mixture.
7- Add 3 or 4 table spoons of Amaretto di Saronno to the tiramisu mixture.
8- Slowly mix the tiramisu mix with the whisk (do not whisk).
9- Rinse the pyrex dish and dry. Using the coffee in the large bowl, dip one-by-one sponge finger into the coffee (sugar side up) and then place into the bowl (length-ways and without breaking the biscuit). After the first layer, ladle some of the mixture over the sponge fingers until all coated.
10- The ingredients should last you for two layers. Repeat 9 until all tiramisum mixture is finished.
11- On the final layer, finish off by sprinkling (or grating) chocolate on the top.
12- Place in the fridge for approximately 5 hours.
12- Enjoy a small portion with friends or family.

This should be enough to feed around 10 people because with tiramisu you only need a small portion.

I made this for myself and my two flatmates and there was enough to consume over 3 days.

Please bear in mind that mascarpone is a cheese and will stay fresh for approx. 3-4 days maximum.

All that is left to say is, bon appétit!!